두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게

두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게

두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게
두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게

두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게

Soo-yang, a blue-eyed ghost who is a minor figure of Shingi-gak, has an ugly face

with three scars on her face, and has a very cruel mindset. The reason why he stay

ed in the minor note instead of the footnote is because his heart is so cruel that h

When the members of Namgung’s family suddenly split into five groups of ten and

dispersed, a smile appeared on their lips. And as the seven people, including Namg

ung-Woo and three Taoists, move together, knowing that they are the most difficul

to deal with, Daeju of Bicheondae and Biryongdae among the five squadrons unde

r Singigak standing next to them. ordered to“Kill them all within today, it will be mor

e convenient since they are divided into 10 people. And I will follow Namgung-wu a

lone. You guys have to finish your work quickly and follow me.”After the words of S

u-su, the two lords quickly disappeared.At the doctor’s office of the Namgung famil

두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게

y, the family head of the Namgung family and his brothers, Jangchan, and Namho we

re sitting. But no one opened their mouths in a calm atmosphere. Then Namgung Ja

-woon said with a slightly worried face.”Hmm, I wonder if they’ll be able to do this j

ob well.”“You don’t have to worry too much. Although there are a small number of t

hem, they are all talented people, so they will be able to do well. I will.””Then aren’t

you in danger of being attacked by the Blood Chamber?”When Namgung Hyo-gi sai

d with a worried face at Namgung Hyo-wi’s words, Namgung Hyo-wi smiled and spo

ke again.”Of course they will. But they won’t die. Their mission is to disperse the conce

ntration of people in the Blood Cell. Even though fifty warriors of Sega will die, they w

ere blinded anyway. It can’t be helped, but they cause blood flow. The room will have to

take out at least ten times the number of people. Where is that? A harvest of that muc

두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게

h would be a big deal. Then you can buy time to defend against the blood room’s mas

sive attack, and the blood room’s attention will be focused on that. When we can gath

er more power.””But how do you beat that many people with them? And knowing that,

how did you send them to death?”Namgung Hyo-gi blushed and said, Namgung Hyo

wi waved her hand.”They will never die, I can be sure. That’s guaranteed here by Nam N

oh-bae and Jang Hyung-bae. With the help of Nam Noh-bae and Jang Dong-bae, I w

as able to think of this, and unexpectedly more blood flow. could haunt them, if their

ersonalities were true…”Namgung Hyo-gi’s expression did not resolve despite Namgun

두정동호빠 O1O.9785.4389 두정동호스트빠 두정동텍가라오케 두정동이부가게

g Hyo-wi’s explanation, so Nam-ho said. #두정동여성노래방 #두정동정빠 #두정동텍가라오케

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